Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Control Freak's Poem

I will it to be mine.
I give myself all things,
And they are mine.

Pleasing is my goal:
To please you and you and you,
And myself too.
I feel myself stretching thin thin
Thin like a balloon with too much air.

Where is my control?
I am angry, sad, and stop stop stop!
I did not mean to say that to her!

I don't think I have it.
I think that all these people
Are pushing the buttons
On my remote.

Who is in charge here?
I think I know now;
It's not me.

God is in control.
This sparrow cannot fall,
This daisy cannot wilt,
Without his knowledge.

I am a bird of the air;
I am a lily of the field;
I am no longer in control;
I trust in my Maker.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saving My Day

I have a melancholy temperament. This doesn't mean I'm sad all the time, but I do tend to easily fall into bad moods. When a bad mood hit me, I used to wallow in it, but lately I've learned to do some self-examination that helps me feel better.

I did this last week. It was the end of the school day, and I was in a black mood. When I realized that I was upset, but didn't know specifically why, I began to rewind through my day to figure out what exactly went wrong. I finally narrowed it down to something the principal said to me earlier in the day. From there, I decided that it probably wasn't intended to hurt my feelings, and that I should probably not let it ruin my day. After that, even though I still felt bad about that particular thing, I was able to segment it off from the rest of my life, and move on with a better attitude.

Knowing the reason why I am sad, upset, or angry has helped me to address the issue specifically. It also keeps me from blowing up on other people because I have failed to deal with my own problems. I don't know when or why I started doing this, but I highly recommend it.

You may have been doing this all along, and wonder what kind of weirdo I am. I'll just admit that I am way more likely to ignore my feelings than to address them. For me, this is a big step.

Do you have any other strategies for dealing with bad moods? (Well, besides eating chocolate.)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Choosing Christ

The sermon this morning at church was from the passage in Philippians where Paul says that he counts all his worldly accomplishments as losses, that he might gain Christ (Phil. 3:7,8). I was sitting in the pew reflecting on all the things I've been striving for this week, and wondering how many of them were important in eternity.

It's easy to chase the rainbow and let that be the first priority in my life. It's harder to be humble and seek the good of others and the glory of God.

I think the Devil puts in in my head that certain achievements are high priority. He makes me feel that if I don't get these things, then I am missing out. I feel I need to put all my time and energy into these projects.

Now, don't get me wrong. What I strive for is not always bad on its own. It is good, for example, to be a good employee. It is wrong, however, to let being a good employee keep me from following Jesus wholly.

Here I have two alternatives. Satan wants to tie me down, to keep me running like a hamster on a wheel. Jesus wants to set me free; for in doing His will, I find ultimate freedom from the pressures of life and carnal desires.

I pray that day-by-day I will have the wisdom to toss aside all other endeavors, and choose Christ.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Banned Books List

I admit, I was more than a bit angry and annoyed today by something that was partially my fault.

What happened was that I bought a book from the bookstore just because it looked interesting. It was in the fantasy genre, which I totally love. And there was a picture of a sword on the cover. How could I resist? I skimmed through the pages, and didn't see anything objectionable. When I checked the back and saw it cost less than $10, I decided to buy it.

Last night, even though I should have been grading homework, I started reading this book. It was everything I could ask for in a fantasy novel. Colorful characters, intriguing plotline, a dash of romance-- this book had it all. 1 AM found me still reading.

Skip forward to today, after lunch. I pulled the book back out, got a few more chapters in, then had to stop. The male lead character was seducing the female lead character. She had told him she never intended to marry, and he replied that he would take her any way he could get her. Then they have sex.

Yikes! This is not the kind of book I want to read OR want my younger sisters to pick up and read. Thus I immediately trashed it.

Then I started to have a mental debate. Not about this particular book, because it had no redeeming qualities, but about other books. I have been OK with reading other books where characters have had sexual relationships. I was trying to decide what exactly it is about a book that makes the difference.

Here's what I've come up with so far:
  • What is the author saying about the relationship? Does he approve of fornication, or is he speaking against it. (Example: in Anna Karenina, Anna commits adultery, but the author is contrasting Anna's sad, selfish life with the life of another young woman who is true to her husband.)
  • How graphic are the actual words? There is a big difference between suggesting a sexual relationship and describing a sexual relationship. (By the way, one of my problems with Twilight was that it went overboard in describing sexual feelings and desires, even though the characters never actually have sex.)
Many people I know will probably think I am too strict. I am OK with that. I have my own conscience to live with. It doesn't matter to me if another person thinks I am self-righteous because I don't feel that I am. And honestly, some things can be OK for some people, but not for others.

What do you think? What standards do you use for judging books? Have you ever had to stop a book in the middle because it didn't meet your standards?

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. Psalm 101:3