Yeah, I haven't updated my blog in a while, and for good reason. I canceled my home internet services since I am moving (I hope) in a few weeks.
The place that I'm moving to, well, it doesn't have DSL, and internet is only available through satellite. (Doggone expensive, too.) I'm still debating whether I will get home internet, phone internet, or no internet. A lot depends on how much I am making when school starts again.
Which leads me to another update, which is not an update. I still don't have a teaching job for the next school year. It's not that I haven't tried, it's just that I've tried and failed. My back-up plan is to be a full-time substitute for the schools in the area. Maybe that will give me an edge on getting an actual position for the 2011-12 school year.
Still working on my house. The sewer's almost done, and I have primed almost all the walls and painted half the ceilings. It's slow, but it's moving.
After having no internet for a month now, I've realized something. I always blamed my time-wasting on my facebook/blog-reading addiction, but that was not completely fair. Technology of any kind is not necessary for me to waste time. In fact, I think that maybe I NEED to waste time in order to reset my brain. That's my current theory, anyway.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago