The Christmas Wars have begun. I've just heard another person griping about people using the letter X in place of Christ's name in Christmas. This is actually a very old tradition, and was started because the first letter of Christ's name in Greek is the same as the English letter X. It has nothing to do with removing Christ's name and was more of a space-saving measure. (See this web page.)
But my question is, when was Christ ever in Christmas anyway? Nowhere in the Bible are we asked to celebrate his birth. We are asked to celebrate his death through the Lord's Supper, but that's it. Christmas (and Easter) are purely man-made holidays. If you research their roots, you will find they began when the Catholics christianized pagan holidays in order to make conversion for the pagans more palatable.
I'm not against Christmas at all; I'm just tired of the war between Christians and humanists about what Christmas means. Why do Christians think they can convert the lost by harping on and on about Santa Claus and lights and the word Xmas? Let's stick to the Gospel, folks, and let Christmas be.
See Romans 14.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
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