I feel a rant coming on.
I am frustrated with women who continue to chase men who are not interested in them. The guy has made it totally clear he is not interested. And yet, these women keep thinking about the guy and talking about the guy to anyone who will listen.
Why, oh why would you want a guy who does not want you? What screwed-up kind of relationship would that be? Get a life and get over him!
Men can be just as guilty. It is fine for a guy to ask a girl out two or even three times. But, listen, if she keeps making up stupid excuses not to go out with you, she's probably not interested. You should leave her alone. There are other women out there.
The neediness becomes totally unattractive after a while. In my experience, I've really been annoyed with a guy when he chased me and chased me when I didn't want him. When he stopped trying so hard, then he became more interesting. I don't know why this is, but it is.
I'm not saying don't try to get the girl you want. I'm saying pay attention to her cues, and don't keep pursuing hot and heavy when she keeps turning you down.
And girls, if a guy is clearly not interested, don't hound him. Let him go. After all, men are like buses: if you don't get this one, there will be another one along in a few minutes. :)
There. That's the end of my rant.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
Hmm, I agree to a point, especially about women. I believe that women were made to be passionately pursued. I guess that in some cases though, God shows us his love through persistance. I am thinking a lot about Gomer right now and how if Hosea had taken the "cues" he wouldn't have been being obedient to God. You just never know what's leading someone I suppose.
ReplyDeleteI see your point. I definitely think men should pursue women. The problem occurs (for me) when the man can't take the hint that the woman is not interested in him, even after she repeatedly tries to make it clear, short of telling him outright. When this happens, should I tell the guy outright that I'm not interested? I DO think the man should make it clear that he is interested.
ReplyDeleteSure, you can make it clear all you want, especially if you are feeling uncomfortable or harrassed. I'm just saying that you never know what the dude is motivated by, if God is telling him you're the one...he can't very well give up! My friends Richard and Lydia were exactly like this and he tried for a year or more before she finally gave in and now they've been married for like 8 years and have 4 kids and are going to seminary. You just never know.
ReplyDeleteBut if God is telling him I'm the one, shouldn't God also be telling me he's the one? Just so I don't get a restraining order on him or anything. ;)