Here I am again, whiling the last days of summer plumb away. I have five more days of freedom.
So, you ask, what are you going to do with your five days of freedom? (Well, if you didn't ask, I'll just pretend you did.) And I answer this way:
1. I'm going to see my boyfriend. Yes, I have one now, and yes, it is still kinda new to me, but really awesome.
2. I'm going to work in my classroom. I am teaching at a new school this year, and there is a lot to do to get it together. So, yeah, I'm going to spend some of my last days of freedom working. :(
3. I'm going to sleep late. I don't know what else to say about that. I hate getting up at 5:30 and that is what I'm going to have to do for the next nine months. I must take this last opportunity to sleep in.
4. I'm going to make a really awesome slide show about myself that I can show to my students. I might have to make stuff up.
5. I might join a gym. A friend has been bugging me about it for weeks, and I really need to. I might then have the motivation to actually exercise.
Is there anything else I really oughta do?
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
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