Sunday, August 26, 2012

Further In

“Further up and further in.”
The place where I began is not the place I will end.
I started as one who had nothing, willing, but not able.
In a dream, in a vision, He came to me;
By night, He sang to me of His love, His home.
I asked Him for mercy, and He made his dwelling in me.
But my dwelling place fades as a blade of grass, and thus
I must travel to His.

He said “Further up and further in,”
And so I chase the God who made me
Into the shadows, across shaky ground, and
Over hills that hinder sight of my destination.
Never can I stop to build a home here;
Always I must move ahead to some other place.

I ache for you, my home, I ache for you!
My hands, my feet, my heart, these are real,
But not as really real as what lies far ahead.
Stepping onward, I dislodge all that holds me here,
And follow, “further up and further in.”

Sunday, August 19, 2012


School starts tomorrow. Need I say more?

This is actually the most prepared and least nervous I have felt on the night before the first day. I hope that is a sign of good things to come.

A teacher friend told me not to quit teaching until I have taught for five years. Then, he said, I would be able to truly judge whether I like it or not. And now, here I am on my fifth year!

I would write more, but in the spirit of procrastination, I have left work for myself to do that I must get done tonight.

Good night!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Wide-Eyed Innocent

I like to play the part
Of the wide-eyed innocent.

I cut off the cynical
Voice that commentates through
Every situation with the kindness of
A jilted girlfriend.
I drown the mouth that punishes,
Shooting barbs cloaked
In marshmallows.
I stuff the third ear,
The ear that only hears snakes
Hissing in the symphony:
Then I am ready.

A caution to you
If your aspirations ask for acting
The part of
The wide-eyed innocent, it
Is played best when,
In your heart, that's what
You really are.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Excuse

I'm really really tired tonight. Tired the sum of a two-day trip to Oklahoma plus a one-day trip to southern Arkansas all within a four-day period. That's why I'm not posting a poem. Maybe tomorrow?